Style is personal and so are we. Welcome to Fashion Industry Gallery.
Fashion Industry Gallery - Dallas Texas

Fashion Industry Gallery is a professional contemporary wholesale venue, open to the fashion retail trade five times per year for tradeshow events. Unlike other shows, FIG offers an easy-to-navigate layout with juried collections and only the top showrooms in the industry from Los Angeles, New York, and Dallas. FIG has created the ultimate buying experience for those seeking the best in women’s contemporary fashion.
Upcoming Market

21 - 23
January Apparel & Accessories
January 21 - 23, 2025
Open to Trade Only
Market Hours:
Tuesday, January 21: 9am – 6pm
Wednesday, January 22: 9am – 6pm
Thursday, January 23: 9am – 4pm

Shop or Sell
Click below to register as a buyer, apply to exhibit at an upcoming tradeshow or inquire about leasing year-round showroom space at Fashion Industry Gallery.